Monday, August 31, 2015


Let's see what did we do in August... the first part of the month was kind of slow for us, which let us prepare for the 2nd half! First we went to Silverwood. It was the girls first time. Silverwood gives our free tickets to kids who read 10 hours. The girls couldn't do too much, especially Taryn. She only rode the carousel. I was so excited that Adyson was tall enough for the big rides! I took her on her first big scary coaster, Tremors! She was so nervous. She screamed a lot. The first big fall/dip I swear she passed out. It was kind of scary. It was one of the best memories/ scarest things I've done with her. It was a fun time. Spencer took Harper and Adyson on the log ride and they loved it.

Right after silverwood we had the grant county fair. That brought on performing with their dance company, petting animals, getting the free goodies from the commercial building, and eating.... lots of eating. We also celebrated Cathys birthday this week.

Also this month Taryn started walking!!!!! yay! (no pics only a video)
Now it's time to get ready for school in September!!