Monday, June 14, 2010


So I have heard this phrase about a 1000 times in goes something like this....A goal not written down is just a wish. Well, here I am, writing it down so I make it an actual goal and everyone knows that I am doing it so you can all kick my butt into gear!

So if anyone has known me for a long time they know that weight has been a huge factor in my life. I have always been on the plumper side. There was one time in my life that I lost a lot of weight and that was when I came here to Rexburg for school, way back in 2007. I walked everyday and hardly ate due to the crap load of homework I would always had. It not that I didnt eat, its that I just didn't have the time to eat as much as I did.I LOVE FOOD! I mean I really love food! and food just loves me right back with giving me weight!

When I got pregnant, weight just piled on. It never went away after giving birth either. And now, I am a little under the heaviest I've ever been in my life. I have lost about 13 lbs since having Adyson over a year and a half ago (with the help of Jill Baker being my workout buddy, but she moved back home to Moses Lake!), but that really doesnt make a dent in how I look. I have decided to really crack down on this whole diet thing! My goal is 20 lbs. I know thats not too much, but its just a starting goal. I'm just tired of trying to hide my weight behind baggy shirts and light jackets(like the pic of me in the purple up above) . I really want to get down to what I looked like in these pics.....

I know I can do it! Especially with Spencer helping me and working out right along side me! I'm going to print off some pics and post them around the house, just so i have something to work for. I do have Adyson and Spencer helping me and giving me motivation, but this is just a little extra kick in the pants to get going! I'm currently on the Slim Fast diet plan, and my workouts are going to be long walks, like up the beast of a hill to campus with Spencer and to go to the gym and/or a workout video. Wish me luck!

4 Shout Outs:

Lauren said...

You go girl! You can do it! You are beautiful, no matter what weight you are, though!

Jess and Tom Roberts said...

seriously amber! i need to lose some of the preg. weight too! so help ME get motivated and ill totally be your work out buddy too! ive been TRYING to walk up university blvd up the hill to thehcurch and then back down in the mornings but ive been lacking in the motivation dept. So i vote we work out together if you want someone to work out with! ps. like i said earlier this week, looks like you've already lost weight! so keep it going!

Jenny Robbins said...

Nice work girl! It's funny how it doesn't really hit home until you see yourself in pictures. I was doing that awhile back. I should get back on that with you.

Deidra said...

I don't have the excuse of having a baby, but let's say I need to lose weight as well....