Tuesday, October 4, 2011

We're ready!

we are super excited for october to be here! cant you tell?

Well, lets catch up on what the girls have been up to...
Harper is rolling like crazy, talking like mad, and is working on sitting up for more then a few seconds. shes started eating rice cereal (like 2x a week)and loves it. Um...I'm trying to teach her to give kisses and shes actually getting it. They may be sloppy, and you may be covered in a slobber after, but they are so cute and worth it! She is becoming so much better with her hand/eye coordination and actually picks things up! Harper is also close to crawling. she scoots/army crawls a little bit and gets up on her knees all the time. Harper is one of the easiest babies ever. no joke!
Adyson is our little sweatheart and diva all rolled into one. she started dance last month and loves every minute of it. She LOVES to dance. She always asks to turn to channel 3 (the radio station channel with the ads slideshow) and dance. She is still in love with the movie Rio (good movie) and sings the songs (great music!) all the time. She amazes me everyday with the things she remembers....the words to songs, things I've taught her like her birth day, and to share.... if we have some treat or something she wants she says, "remember we need to share." Her favorite color is blue still(yes!). She loves Harper a lot and I always catch her laying down with her and trying to roll her over to her to cuddle. The other day I went into their room and found that Adyson had pushed a big Rubbermaid bin up to Harper's crib, climbed in, and was in there cuddling with her. they are the best and most beautiful girls I could ever ask for!
Spencer and I are doing to same old thing. He was hired on at the newspaper, and we'll i'm just being the stay at home mom! things are going great and this month is going to be busy!!!! Pumpkin patch, carving party, and trick or treating...and lets not forget getting the fall/winter clothes out! I LOVE fall just for the fact that I can wear my fav types of clothes! love this time of the year!!!

3 Shout Outs:

Jenny Robbins said...

Awww, your girls sound so sweet together! I hope I have another little girl for this one, so she can have a sister.

Reece and Caitlin said...

Your kids are getting so big! I like their outfits! If we are home during christmas time we will have to come and see you guys!

Kings said...

You totally need to! It will be good to catch up with you guys!