Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Im 25!

It happened. I turned 25 on the 1st of November!

 my parents took me to my bday dinner at Eddies (an asian food)

some of these next pictures Adyson took. Can you tell which ones? lol

 my, "Do I look 25?" pic to spencer, lol
 While we were at dinner, Spencer had his mom sneak over to the house to decorate!

so for my bday I got some amazing things! a sewing machine, dinner, flowers, clothes, girftcard, a cute turtle figurine, a brita, and lots of well wishes. thank you all! it was one of the best bday!

1 Shout Outs:

Ruby said...

Happy belated!! Jeez, that means that in less than two months I will be 25. Can time just slow down?!?! I'm not ready!! You look great by the way :)