Monday, September 1, 2014

Seattle trip

Over Labor day weekend we went to Seattle for Spencer to take part in the 5k Kickoff Run. He ran around Seattle and ended on the field in Century Link - the Seahawks stadium! My brother and bro in law and his sister ran in the race too, and since most of the family was going, my parents came too. So it was a family vacation! It was a great weekend trip.

The day before the run we all went to the woodland park zoo. That park is huge. It took almost all day! We got there at about 9:30 AM and didn't leave until about 3 PM! It was fun though! After, we went went back to the hotel to rest, and then headed to Ikea for dinner and shopping! I got new dishes!!!

Sept 1st! The race! I am so proud of Spencer for doing these runs! 

 AFTER! He did it! 

After the race we went back to the hotel to get ready for the day (race was at7:30!). We checked out and Went to a mall with an old navy (love that place). The mall had a really awesome food court. It had food from around the world! I had Hawaiian and Spencer had vietnamese. It was good! After we headed to North Bend. I shopped with Taryn while Spencer, Adyson and Harper took naps. After that we headed home! It was a great weekend trip.

0 Shout Outs: