Wednesday, December 31, 2014


This year we decided to use our tiny fake tree. I usually love getting a real one but decided to fake it this year. lol The girls got their ornaments from grandma and grandpa rodeback and hung them up on our tree. even Spencer got a special one :)
 Harper got Elsa (which was very hard to come by!!)
 Adyson chose Phineas and Ferb
 Spencer got the light up Delorian from his favorite movie Back to the Future. He LOVES those movies.
 and Taryn got a babys first christmas one.

The church put on a nativity display with hundreds of nativities from people in the community. We even were able to dress up as mary and joseph. Some one in the stake made this beautiful star. It was huge and SO pretty! 

We had our Vasquez family dinner and gift exchange and introduced the kids to mexican bingo. I used to play it when I was little.

Spencer and I celebrated SEVEN years together on the 15th

The girls had their christmas recital. Harpers first time. They were so cute!

And of course pictures of Christmas! Taryn's first!

Sunday, November 30, 2014

November: Birthdays and Thanksgiving!

The month started off with my birthday on the first. Pretty low key. Spencer and I went out to dinner and after everyone came over for cake and ice cream. Dont really care to do a whole lot but when its one of my kids i go the extra mile!

Next up Adyson turned SIX on the 10th! I can not believe it!

Her actual bday we just celebrated at home and on her actual day she had a friends party and all the fam came over that day too. She really wanted a luau theme.

And we celebrated thanksgiving with family. Taryns first turkey day. 

we also took some family pictures. My mom wanted Seahawks theme... don't think she has seen a game but she wanted it! LOL

And since its so close to christmas card season we took our family pics to get ready for it!

Adyson 6 yr

Harper 3 1/2

Taryn 4 months

Friday, October 31, 2014


We started off the month with Spencer running in the Moses Lake color run (5k) He did great!


Adyson ended her soccer season. No goals but definitely an improvement!

We went to a new pumpkin patch this year. It was a small one run by three little girl (with the help of their parents). It was really cute. They had a pumpkin cannon! It was really cool! I think it was in Royal City. I don't remember right now.

And of course we had the Rodeback-Bruce-King pumpkin carving party! The theme was masquerade!

We also made cookies with grandma!
 And Mommy had way too many Halloween outfits for us!

Someone turned three months old on the 29th! Taryn is about 24in, almost 11 lbs, sleeps through the night (almost, some nights its a one time feeding), starting to roll over and is just stinkin cute!

Halloween was a busy day. Adyson had an assembly at school and got an award for academic achievement! (student of the month) We are so proud. It was an interesting time, because everyone was in a costume!
 Instead of having them dress up in masquerade again I let them pick out of things we had around the house. Harper went as minnie mouse. Taryn was a carebear (we call her tare bear so it was perfect!) and Adyson was a peacock thanks do the clearance cart at walmart! the wings were 2 bucks!
 Spencer had to work so I just took them down town for trick or treating at the shops and to the Nelson road church trunk or treat. They had a blast!