If you dont know my wife Amber, then after reading this I hope you have a better understanding of who she is and why I love her.
Shes Loving. --Sometimes, even when we are fighting (yes, we fight, we arent perfect) i can get her to smile. When she smiles, I know that everything is alright and that she still loves me.
She also loves her family..(i dont know how!! im just kidding...if any of you are reading this, dont kill me!) Her family plays a big role in our lives. We have a neice named Kalei, and she goes crazy when shes in town. all she wants to do is spend time with her.
Shes Funny.-- Have you ever heard Ambers laugh? I crack up just hearing her laugh. she laughs at random moments and smiles at things that sometimes arent funny. when her brother Hums when he eats, Amber just cant stop laughing. Shes also very funny when it comes to the baby. she blames everything on the baby. i could have a plate of food, i get up to go do something, and come back and a bite is gone, "the Fetus ate it" with a smirk. i love that.
Shes Needy.-- Now, some of you are going to say, "needy is not a good thing.." when you love someone soooo much like i love Amber, its good to be needed. Now that shes Prego, shes going to need me more, and you know what? i woudnt want it anyother way.
Shes Perfect.-- Maybe perfect isnt the exact word i should use, but its the closest thing to it. Sure she has her flaws, we all do. but when i look at her, and think of the future, she is perfect FOR ME!! today i was driving down the road and saw and old couple. they both looked senile, but very much in love, and i could totally picture Amber and I in 60 Years.. Amber in her Wheel Chair and me, weak, but pushing her around. i love her so much........
That is why i love her. She is the center of my life, and i dont even want to think of my life with out her.
1 year ago
2 Shout Outs:
awe..... this is the nicest thing ever! i love you SSSSSSOOOOOOOOO much! ditto for you too!
- your wifey
Spencer. Wow. That was so cute. I never knew I would say that about anything you wrote. :D But, it sounds like you two are sure in love!
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