Friday, January 14, 2011

update on baby #2

about 13 weeks....kinda old pic!

So I just relaized that i really have been lacking on the baby update!
I'm about 22 ish weeks along. The doctor (who i love and miss!) I had in Moses Lake was still trying to figure out how far along I actually am, we'll just say 22-23 weeks. What I know and have told her isn't adding up with the ultrasounds! I've had 3 so far! But hey I get to see the little peanut. We still don't know what we are having....just like with Adyson and her hand! Something was in the way this last ultrasound I had! This time it was the cord instead of a hand! The last date I was told the due date was May 14th, but heck with the iffy-ness (is that a word) of how far along I actually am, i'm just saying sometime in May. We should be getting another ultrasound because the last one they weren't able to see and measure everything.

Well, i'm doing ok. My back hurts WAY more this time around! Sleep is horrible. Spencer and I don't remember me sleeping this bad last time. From the ultrasound, we've found out that the baby LOVES to sit on my bladder. Hopefully the baby will be noticing that theres a whole other section to its woom!Thats where I am feeling most of the kicking. Spencer has been able to feel the kicks every once in a while, and I think that makes it more real for him. Adyson loves to give my belly kisses. I dont know if she thinks that my belly is a baby or if there is a baby actually in my belly. Its really cute and she always sees babies at the store and stares and tells me theres a baby over there. I always ask her if she wants one or wants to hold it and she gets really excited. I have to tell her to wait until may. Thats about it. still waiting to see what we are having!

PS...Sorry but thats the only pic I have! The last ultrasound pics are horrible and you cant see anything! And sorry no pics of me, i honestly dont look pregnant, and im not just saying that. I really dont look pregnant, i just look like i have a flabby gut! soon (i hope) i will look like it! and sorry if my posts are boring or what not, this is pretty much my journal so i've gotta write something down!

0 Shout Outs: