Sunday, March 11, 2012

Day with the Dinosaurs!

Last Saturday (3rd) we went to the Museum of Idaho. We've been there before, for the Titanic exhibit, my all time favorite! We love this place, going to miss it when we move in July....anyway...
I found out that it was a dinosaur exhibit and thought that Adyson would love it. And she did. It was based on a famous dinosaur named Sue the T-rex. It was fun to see all the cool dino stuff and bones! So glad we went! Next exhibit is about King Tut. Going to it!

This side story is for my bro in law josh....jerk.....They had little booths that you could test out and see what it would feel like to move like a the arm movement.... Well for spencer it was really restricted but when i tried it.....i could still move my arm perfectly. yeah yeah i know i'm stubby!

And now on to the pictures!

that a real bone she is holding. She was so excited!

^ he he he
Harper was asleep through the whole museum until the very end. We did get a quick pic of her, dont worry my scrapbook addicted mom!

0 Shout Outs: