Friday, July 18, 2008

its a....

we are so happy to know! the first pic is the profile of our little girl and the second pic is of her legs. we are so SO happy (esp me). we were supposed to go in at 1:40 but i had to pee SOOOO bad that i went in early hoping that we could get in sooner and sure enought, some one cancelled so i got in then and there. he took a couple of measurements then let me open the flood gates. what a relief! anyway, the baby was in a semi good position today. we still didn't get to see the face full on, but i'm just happy that we know!!! AH we are very very excited!

3 Shout Outs:

Rachel and Jason said...

Congrats! That's WAY exciting... my sister just had a girl on the 4th of July... they're fun!

Carolyn said...

Oh Amber,
I know how much you wanted a baby girl. And you are going to get one! Congratulations. I am so, SO excited for you.

Stephanie Kay Moore said...

how exciting! congratulations!!