Thursday, April 8, 2010

Easter! (and a bonus video!)

(forgot to put this in the slide)
so easter was fun this year. right before easter my mom and i took a psanky (sp) (russian/ukrainian egg painting) class. it was really fun, expensive but fun. its a process where you take wax and special dyes and make designs on the egg. then after you are all done you melt the wax off. i know that descripton doesnt really explain what it is, and theres more to it....sorry, its a long process! i've been here in moses lake since the 19th. spencer stayed behind to finish up classes and so we were going to be apart for easter.....that is until spencer came home to surprise us! so he was with us the whole weekend! on saturday we went to get a picture with the easter bunny (which adyson did not like and had to have kalei sit with her) and then headed to quincy lakes to go with crystal and josh to the Tolly family easter egg hunt! (josh's fam). it was really fun and they go ALL out! candy was everywhere and adyson made $11!! that night we dyed eggs with my fam and i must say that we are a very talented bunch!

sunday was easter and due to the fact that it was conference, we didnt get a picture in easter clothes. oh well, we'll get some on monday at sears with my fam. anywho... we had a little easter egg hunt for the girls in my parents back yard and had yummy easter lunch. after wards we headed to the kings to have dinner and adyson had another fun easter egg hunt. we spent the rest of the day there spending time with family... and me being a spaz i totally didnt get ANY pictures when we were out there! i know that cathy got some, so could i please get some! lol anyway it was a really great easter and thank you everyone for the easter gifts!

these pics are from what i just explained and then some bonus ones!

and a video for daddy!

3 Shout Outs:

Unknown said...

what park was that at?

Deidra said...

I love her cute little polka dot jacket!

Carolyn said...

That was the cutest video for daddy! Aww, I loved her laugh.