Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Happy Birthday Spencer!

Today was Spencer's birthday! We didnt do a whole lot, but had a lot of fun anyway. This weekend we plan to do a little more to celebrate. Maybe a movie and bowling. Spencer had class until 2 today so we just planned on going out to dinner instead of lunch and had left over tacos, which were way good! For dinner Spencer asked to go to famous daves (thanks for coming tristan!). YUM! that place has some good food! We then came home and had one of spencers few favorite cakes (hes not a fan of cake, but he does like some good kinds!) RED VELVET from walmart. yum! i got mini cupcakes too for me and adyson. the cake was small so its all spencers!
lol. Adyson was so excited for daddy's birthday. shes been practicing singing happy birthday to him for about a week and showing him how to blow out the candles.
PS... thank you everyone for the birthday wishes and the gifts! he loves it all!

Happy Birthday Spencer! Hope you had a great day and enjoy all your gifts! And eat the cake so i dont! lol! We love you!

1 Shout Outs:

The Bangerter Family said...

Brett and Spencer have the exact same birthday and they both turned 25! Cool! :)