Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day: Part 3 the actual day!

Happy Valentines Day everyone. Hope you had an awesome day! i sure did! here are LOTS of pictures of our day! (dont forget to check out part 1 and 2)

Wake up to a trail of balloons to the vday gifts! (thanks for the balloons cathy!)
i got some yummy chocolate from spencer! later in the day, after i picked him up from school he surprised me with a mini rose plant! i love it! adyson and i got spencer a tie and lots of his favorite goodies.
adyson got new toothbrushes, finger paint and some candy (we surprised her with another gift later)

for breakfast we had adysons favorite food....cereal. thanks mom for the heart shaped bowls!
and now for the outfits! i got adyson this vday shirt!
thanks grandma and grandpa rodeback for the pjs
thanks grandma king for the shirt!
for lunch we went to wingers (spencers favorite) and after we let adyson pic out her surprise, fish! she even named them herself! the white and orange is named fishy and the all orange is called nemo. great names huh!
and of course we made some goodies for a few people. the traditional Pillsbury sugar cookies with the pictures on them, strawberry cupcakes with chocolate frosting, and for just us (more like just me) strawberries dipped in the best chocolate in the world from florences!
And for dinner, we had my favorite food, Lime chicken. SO GOOD! can you see the roses! so cute! and thanks again for the heart shaped plates mom!
all in all , the 3 days of celebration were awesome! i love spencer and adyson so much and i'm glad to call them my valentines! i love you so much! thanks for a wonderful day! (or should i say days!)

2 Shout Outs:

Jon and Amy Duvall said...

Seriously, I just found your blog. I'm lame I know. Anyways, I LOVE it when gparents spoil for holidays! Looks like tons of fun! You guys are such a cute little family!

Chelsea Roylance said...

You did so many fun things for Valentine's! I wish I had been that diligent. All Martin got was a card... haha. Adyson is getting so big and looking so cute! She's got the sweetest little face :) How lucky for her that she'll always have fun memories of Valentine's Day each year thanks to her awesome mom :)