Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Valentines Day: Part 1 Bowling!

I know i know, a valentines day post already?? Well, Spencer and I always seem to celebrate it early, because here in Rexburg, EVERYTHING is going to be packed on the day of love and there are going to be about zero people wanting to babysit. So we decided to have our family v-day celebration early. (our celebration is on the 11th! spencer is taking me to dinner and dancing up on campus! its called A Night In Paris!). We'll have a little celebration on the actual day....maybe i convince spencer to do this so i can have 3 days of fun! lol!!!
So for family v-day we decided to take adyson bowling for the very first time to Fat Cats. SHE LOVED IT! they had black lights and music going and she just danced the whole time and entertained everyone there (see videos!). They even had little shoes just her size. They were so cute i had to get a picture of them! They also have a arcade there and we decided to play a few rounds of skeeball. After bowling and games we went to Applebees for dinner (thanks mom and dad for the giftcard and the goodie box!!) It was an awesome time and i hope we can do it again next year!

fat cats bowling!
spencer and his bowling skills
wanted to compare the ball and my belly (sorry kinda bright pic)
heres adyson kicking our butts! she won both rounds!
the cute shoes!!!!!
comparing to spencers

and now our dancing queen! enjoy! shes got some mad skills!

1 Shout Outs:

Deidra said...

Adorable! Looks like fun. I bet she's excited to be a big sister! Miss you guys!