Thursday, June 23, 2011


So i know that two of these videos are on facebook, but this is my online (open) journal so I just wanted to add them on here. The third video is a bonus for all my blogger friends. Its not much, just of my beautiful girls!

Heres a video of Harper. Shes just starting to coo and make cute noises (and smile too!) She is such a cutie (Adyson too)!

Here is Adyson and Harper just chillin. You can certainly tell Adyson loves her little sister!

And heres Adyson riding her bike she got from gma &gpa king (thanks!) We've been trying to teach her to ride since she got it over a month ago with no luck. Then, just the other day, we are walking to the mail box and she gets on and takes off. Crazy girl!

i just love my girls : D

3 Shout Outs:

Carolyn said...

Woohoo! I love those kids. They are both adorable.

And awesome job riding that bike, Adyson!

Deidra said...

Adyson is so grown up! They are cute, for sure!!

Jenny Robbins said...

These are such sweet videos! Love them.