Tuesday, July 5, 2011

hard headed kid!

So on Saturday we had an unexpected trip to the ER!
We were all getting out of the car and Adyson decided to get out head first (arm got caught in her carseat because she wanted her ball) and landed right on the gravel road. She started bleeding so we all got back in and drove straight to the hospital!

Pictures dont really show but she had a little hole/crater in her head. Turned out she was A OK and all they did was clean the hole and send us home. She was acting a little crazy in the hospital but i think it was just all the attention she was getting. Well it was our first trip, but i dont think its going to be the last with this clumsy little girl of ours!

(keep a look out 4th of july post coming soon!)

0 Shout Outs: