Monday, May 7, 2012

Harper is ONE

Its still so unreal! Harper is one! She came so fast a year ago! And that year went by so fast too! 

For her bday i decided that the theme would be ladybugs. When she was first born my mom made her a lady bug blanket and it kinda stuck as her thing so i just went with it for her bday.

 traditional chair my parents get for the grand daughters . my dad gets it unfinished and then paints it. then my mom decorates it.

 ok, so i had to save this cake. im sorry, i love broulims, but do not buy a cake from them! ever! well just to eat, ok, but dont have them make one! it was a horrible mess! no at all what it looked like in the pic i took in. this is what i did to it. added the ladybugs and her name and tried to hide the creepy ladybug that they did on top. i think it came out ok

 Thank you everyone who gave her gifts! She got lots of clothes (cute ones) and some books and toys! thanks so much!

You are such a cute little girl and a joy to be around! You put a smile on anyones face and you are so friendly. You give the best kisses and hugs! Happy Birthday Harper. We love you so much and dont know what are life would be like without you!

Here is a few pictures and some video taken at Harpers birthday "party"

weight-17.6 lbs
height- 29.3 in
head - 17.5
can- walk short distances by self; say and wave bye; say moma, dada, grandpa (bum-pa), poo poo; hi five, clap; get off couch/beds without falling off (anymore, lol); smiles, will put head in face until you acknowledge her; cuddle bug; about 3 teeth showing and 2 on the way; went to dentist for 1st time on the 8th; gives kisses and hugs; loves baby dolls, will hug, rock and kiss them; loves her sister!

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