Sunday, October 14, 2012

Big girl bed!

Harper is now in a toddler bed and has been for about a week! She is so excited and for the most part has done really well. She hasn't fallen out, and she will usually stay in the bed when we put her in it. She is getting molars right now so she gets out of bed almost every night and finds me, which I really wish she had a crib at those times!! But, she has to grow up sometime. Heres some picturess of her new bed (thanks crystal for the frame) and some of the decorations in their room.
  I was worried so I took her crib bumper and put in on the floor just in case. Didn't want her to fall on the hardwood. Turns out she didn't need it
can you tell this is a little girls room? lol not in the picture is a disney princess castle for their barbies and a disney princess kitchen. 
 my sister in law laska made the names, porters had the flowers on sale for a $1,my mother in law cathy  bought the cinderella picture, and my mom bought the butterfly and flower sun catchers.