Saturday, June 16, 2012

King Tut Exhibit

So I really wanted to go to the new exhibit at the Museum of Idaho in Idaho Falls. Its called King Tut: Treasures of the Tomb. Well it was cool. I was expecting real stuff, but it was all replicas. The replicas were all made in Egypt by the ancestors of the original makers, but with the titanic exhibit it had the real things ans it was so much bigger. Oh well it was still cool. the gift shop was the best though! We got our nieces and soon to be nephew's names in Egyptian. my sis loves Egyptian stuff and my nieces both have middle names that are Egyptian. We bought a cool anubis  for ourselves that was made in Egypt. way cool (ps sorry pics are kinda bad. no flash aloud) 

 even though it was a replica is looked creepily real!

 for Kalei ^ sorry didnt remember an isis pic kamaile we have a temp tattoo though!

 and of course we hit up the children's part.

1 Shout Outs:

Unknown said...

replicas! lame! loved the pics!