so since i'm still on bed rest and kinda bored right now, i decided to do what 2 people have tagged me in.
Tag #1
the first one is what laska did. so you go and find the 4th pic in your 4th file of pictures. mines not going to be very exciting! i just went through my pics and burned then on cds and just deleted them! LOL. so if i justgo into my pics (not put in order) its either a pic of the cupcakes that were at my shower or a very old pic i took of the portland temple. so i think its going to be the temple!
Now tag #2
You have to give five answers to each of the questions and pass it on. To pass it on, you name them on your blog and you leave a comment notifying them on their blog. Wellp, here it goes....
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. antsy to turn 12 in a week and become a beehive!
2. getting my halloween costume ready
3. In 6th grade
4. probably suffering from my BAD blonde hair dye job (don't ask)
5. um.....eating candy??? or crushing on joke i probably was!!!!
5 things on my to-do list today:
1. sit and do nothing!
2. um....fill out the things i as tagged for
3. keep my feet from getting bloated
4. eat
5. drink lots of water!
5 snacks I enjoy:
1. Chocolate/Candy!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. Granola Bars!!!
3. Fruit!
4. Veggies!
5. um......
5 things I would do if I were a millionaire:
1. Um... pay off my bills
2. put most of it in the bank
3. pay for spencers schooling, and mine if i ever decide on what to do
4. make a savings account for my babies! (well 1 baby right now)
5. travel! take spencer back to brazil, go to england for a month or two,take spencer to hawaii, and where ever else spencer wants to go.
5 places I have lived:
1. Longview, WA
2. Moses Lake, WA
3. Rexburg, ID
4. .........
5. ............ i haven't lived in that many places!
5 jobs I have had:
1. dishwasher/cook/waitress at bassanos! i miss that food!
2. "construction guide" at ml community health center (easiest job EVER)
3. cherry factory worker in othello
4. and the worst job ever.........taco time!!!!!!!
5 people I tag:
1. Laska (the 5 things tag)
2. Carolyn
3. Gwen
4. Crystal
5. Spencer/or my mom or whoever else wants to do this!
1 year ago
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