Sunday, October 12, 2008


i just wanted to thank everyone for the gifts and for showing up to the shower! it was so much fun! the decorations were cute and the food was way way good (thanks crystal) and the games were so much fun (thanks laska and cathy).

heres some pics to show everyone....

diaper cake crystal made
very cute blanket tracy made me
thats all the pics i'm gunna put up theres a lot. i got a lot of very cute clothes and a lot of cute blankets! but theres soooo many pics to choose from!

so we took family pics yesterday before the shower, for my mom and dads 25th anniversary dinner on the 25th....anyway, we got a lot of cute pics and spencer and i got a "family pic with the baby" its a realy good pic and i wanted to post it, since i think my mom prob won't. anyway here it is...any maybe some other pics
one of my favorite pics!
the king family = )
me and kalei

2 Shout Outs:

Carolyn said...

Amber freaking King. You look amazing! That pic is adorable...and I love love love your hair!! It looks so cute!

Unknown said...

oh my diaper cake