Tuesday, December 30, 2008

travel and smiles

heres one of the cutest videos ever of adyson smiling! and its not just because she has gas!

so we're here in rexburg! it took FOREVER to get here but we're here in our cute little apartment! we're SOOOO excited to be here on our own. finally! we love our families dearly, but it was time for us to get away for awhile and become our own little family. we have lots of unpacking to do and lots of stuff to get for the apt so i'll post about or trip later and post picture of our humble home.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

holiday greetings!


Wednesday, December 17, 2008


this pic is adysons blessing day! Dec 7 2008

our 1 year anniversary! we went out to sushi in tri cities! Dec 15th

the longview 3rd ward had a really cool dinner where it was all back in the bethlehem days. way good food!

so this pic is my fam with the brand new patriarch rodeback of the longview stake!

4 generations pic! there isn't one with my grandpa, he was still in some meetings...i wish we could have gotten/remembered to. oh look at ady smiling in one of the pics! so funny

Monday, December 15, 2008

1 year

so today spencer and i celebrate our 1 year anniversary! crazy i know, and i bet some people had bets on if we would last! lol but we made it! HA! anyway, life couldn't be any better!
we didn't really get to celebrate it. this weekend we went to longview.....my grandpa became the patriarch of the longview stake!!! amazing huh! it was so much fun to be with family and so amazing to be there when he was ordained! i am so happy for my grandparents and the adventure they have ahead of them! ady got to meet her great grandparents and she loves them! she loved to be rocked to sleep by great g-ma. we got to take the 4 generations picture too!
well today was spent heading home. we had to take the long way and due to the fact that we're traveling with a baby and then the weather.......yeah we're still not home. we took a pit stop at laskas and tomorrow we plan to do a little shopping and such, so kinda celebrate the anniversary tomorrow...but anyway....
all i have to say is that this past year has been FULL of excitement. we got married and had a baby! adyson is so so so cute. today she laughed at me! shes learning to smile really well! she holds her head up really well too! shes getting so big before our eyes! shes so beautiful and we are so amazed with her everyday!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

4 weeks

well, i figured its been a little bit since the last blog, so heres what i got

Adysons growing up fast! on monday she will be 4 weeks old! its hard to believe shes been out of me that long! Tomorrow shes getting blessed! we are super excited! i think spencer might be a little nervous too! My mom made her a very cute blessing dress and we're excited to see her in it! um.....lets see what else......her sleeping habits are...ok...if we try to keep her up during the day she does really well and lets mommy sleep! she wakes up about 2 times...but if she sleeps most of the day.......lets just say its not good at night! but all in all.....adyson is so beautiful and i love being with her! she loves her daddy and when she hears his voice she looks for him everywhere! well here are some picture of our little angel!
pic #1 - adyson ready for her 1st time at church
pic#2 - what a cutie!
pic#3 - cousins! kalei holding adyson and giving her a kiss

we're very very excited for tomorrow and we'll post pictures later. this month is full of excitement! we can't wait for the 15th! our one year anniversary! its already been a year! man life flys by! at 19 i was engaged to spencer, at 20 we got married and at 21, i became a mom! crazy how life changes! but i love it!

Friday, November 28, 2008

black friday boredom blog

so.... since today is black friday, and spencers at work and adys sleeping, i decided to do this little questionaire.... oh and i hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving!

Four, Four, Four, Four...
1) Four places I go to over and over: Walmart, my room, the kitchen, the living room (i don't get out much! lol)
2) Four people who e-mail me (regularly): um...my mom, elder byington,.....thats about it.
3)Four of my favorite places to eat: sushimori!!!!!griffins bakery, the firefly cafe and danas or da pineapple gril.....haven't been in a LONG time!
4) Four places I would rather be: home, london, hawaii, sleeping
5) Four TV shows I watch: CSI:NY, Law and Order CI or SVU, Bones, Amazing Race

oh and i just wanted to say that i went and saw twilight, and well.....i really liked it! i haven't read the books, it just didn't interest me AT ALL and i still prob wont read them....but on wed my sis wanted to do a girls night out, so we went, i wasn't too excited and i didn't want to go, but i went to be nice, and i was very impressed! i love romantic drama movies and this was great! i will so have spencer buy it for me when it comes out, and i will be going to see the next movies that come out, as long as they have the same people in it! it has become one of my favorite movies!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

love and pain

well i decided to name this post love and pain....let me explain.......

first i'll start off with pain.....so......birthing hurts so bad and esp since i had one heck of a time and i'm STILL recovering. its frustraiting! i can't ever feel better and i'm always, ALWAYS in pain, even when i'm just sitting here typing this! BUT the pain is so not as bad as the first night. its so getting better, but i just wish it was totally gone. its hard to eat too....don't get me wrong i LOVE food, but i'm on like 5 drugs and i think one of them is making me feel sick sometimes when i eat, but i just go and take a nap and it goes away...maybe its not the drugs and its just lack of sleep. speaking of sleep, i don't really get any at the moment becaue i have to feed the little one all the time, and thats making me bleed and fall apart....... but thats getting better, i won't go into detail, but oh my heck what i'm doing now is way better!

now after i have ranted and raved about the pain part, i'll talk about the love.......i'm afraid i've fallen inlove with another person.....my daughter! its so amazing to be a mom....very hard at times, but i love her so much. i love her even when i have to change her way stinky and way poopy diapers....she even shot poop all over me and i still love her! LOL when she looks at me with her big bright eyes, i just melt. shes so cute and she makes the cutest faces. right now she really doesn't look like me.....kinda, but theres one thing that she took after me.....so i was finishing burping her and she let out the biggest burp i have ever heard...and anyone that knows me knows that i can burp and burp loud! but she outdid me! i'm so proud! LOL j/k...... her cry is even cute (the start of the cry, deff not the hard core cry). shes my little angel. i still can't believe that i'm her mom and shes sealed to me and is going to be with spencer and i forever.
another love of mine is spencer. he has been the biggest support! i can tell he loves adyson so much and hes such a good father to her. when we were in the hospital he was such an amazing husband too. even when i was killing his hand through the contractions! oh man, and my hormones are going crazy and hes been there every step of the way. i think i've cried out of frustration about a million times and spencer has always comforted me and told me that i can do it and i'm strong. its a big help, even though it makes me cry even harder. i don't think i've ever cried this much in my entire life! i sometimes want to give up, but spencer always reminds me that hes here and theres another person here helping me too, and He would never give me something i can't handle. this whole experience has been a roller coaster so far, and i've fallen all over again for spencer. i love him even more then i did when i was the little 14 year old crushing on him and thinking that i'm going to marry him someday! and i love him even more then when we first started dating! i can't even say how much i love him and our little girl! life is amazing!

well thats about all for now! my heart is so full and i have so much to be thankful for!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

best picture ever

Heres Queen (King) Adyson.

Friday, November 14, 2008

shes here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Adyson Mayah King was born on Monday at 11:46 PM. She was 7.4 Lbs and 19 inches long! I was in labor for over 17 hours! way sucky. I had 3rd degree rips and so i have a really hard recovery still ahead of me. But Ady is so cute! i love when she sits there and just stares. Becoming a mommy is kinda hard. The sleepless nights combined with all the pain and every hour feeding is really stressful. But just looking into her eyes makes it all worth it. She is so beautiful. I still can't decide on who she looks like. She so has spencers ears (they both have the unique shape to them). She has my hair line where the eyebrows and hair line pretty much meet, sorry ady! lol um.....i think she has my eyes.....they don't have color yet so we'll see. her hair looks brown, but in some lighting its blonde. Anyway, its been a long wait, but Adyson is finally here. LOTS of work, pain and tears of joy and pain, but its going to get better once i get used to things and the whole breastfeeding starts to go alright. anyway, i really don't know what to say....i have the most beautiful baby! i have lots more pics to put up so keep a look out!

Friday, November 7, 2008

almost there!

so tomorrow is my due date! i HOPE and PRAY that i go into labor tonight or tomorrow! i don't want to be induced! i really want the baby out. i know i know, about the last 10 posts have been me complaining about how uncomfortable i am and how i want the baby out.....but i think every pregnant person knows what i'm talking about. and if you haven't been pregnant, you will so know what i'm talking about when you do.

so i'm kinda scared for labor. for one, i really don't know what the first signs of prelabor are. i mean, i've read about it, and the doc has explained it a little, but i've never felt it, so how and i supposed to know? i think i might figure it out though when i have the worst pain ever that i've never felt before. another thing i'm scared of is that i'll get too exausted during labor and i'll have to have a c-section. eh it would spare me from the birthing pain, but i don't want to deal with the huge cut in my gut! i also am kinda scared for the epidural. i am so getting it, but i'm scared. i HATE needles. esp since being pregnant. dah! i hate when they stab me and then have to move the needle around because they missed the vein. ah, major pain! and i know they are going to give me iv's and stuff....dah.....but the needle pain will be the LEAST of my problems.

well thats about all my worries for now. i don't really have anything else on my mind. birthing takes up all of my thoughts, esp since i'm due tomorrow. well, that and christmas! i know i know its not even thanksgiving yet, but everyones asking for my wish list and to be honest, i don't have one. i never do. whenever my b-day or christmas rolls around i can never think of anything. i always say giftcards, because then when i decided on what i want, i can get it! i can never make up my mind though! heres one example.....so spencer and i decided on a name for our little girl, then we kinda tossed ideas around and i really liked this one way of spelling it. he liked it too so we shook on it......now......i like the regular way of spelling it! i know i'm weird!

well i've done enough typing for now. hopefully my next post will have pics of my first born child!

Monday, November 3, 2008

forever pregnant.

it seems like its NEVER going to end! well guess what everyone, we went to the doc again today! same old sitting there and taking the non stress test, which took longer then normal because my little stubborn girl didn't want to have her heart listened to and would move away from the monitor. anyway, thats about all we did, sit and listen the the heartbeat. he checked my legs and feet, which are swelling still but not as bad. we go back on thursday to see him at 10:15 and he said that if nothing is happening by the weekend then i'll HAVE to be induced and we'll be parents prob on monday! lol. but they say its better to go into labor naturally, because its slower and you are prepared (somewhat). with induction, you're kinda thrown into the pain.... i hope she come naturally! naturally and SOON!!!!! i am SOOOOOOOOOO uncomfortable! my back hurts about a bazillion times more then it did a couple weeks ago. my feet hurt and i don't get any sleep because i'm getting up about every hour to pee. i get really bad stomach cramps (maybe there contractions......who knows, i've neer felt what there like before!) i want to be done! but i don't want to birth her, someone knock me out and take her outta me, SOMETHING! but do it pain free!

Friday, October 31, 2008



i hope everyone has a wonderful time tonight!
for the holiday fun spencer and i got dressed and went down to Ahmanns to get a free pic of the family. spencer dressed up as jack sparrow and i was an m&m, one of my moms old costumes she made, it was the only one that fit! anyway, i would put that pic up here but we won't have it for a little bit. its kinda sad that the baby isn't here yet for her first halloween/holiday but guess what! she'll be here for christmas and almonds offers free christmas pics! yay! i can't wait. i want to get her a really pretty dress! so excited!

so today spencer and i had another doctors appointment today and everything was fine. we had ANOTHER stress test, pretty boring stuff. the doc said that if i don't deliver anything before the actual due date (8th), then i'll have to be induced. he won't let me go past that. so i WILL have a baby by the 8th! crazy!!!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

ready! (random thoughts)

i'm so ready to be done. my back hurts way too much and i hate that my feet bloat if i stand or walk to long, and because of the bloating i'm on bed rest. but now that i think about it....i can maybe stand being prego for a little bit longer. i don't want to go through the birthing process. and i'm kinda scared to be a mommy! so i guess what i mean is.....i'm ready to have the baby, but not ready to be a mommy.

so ANYWAY, i have a little less then 2 weeks left until my due date, but i'm full term and could go into labor any time. kinda scary that my water could break at any time, anywhere, infront of anyone. but its kinda good that i'm on house arrest and can't leave. our next appointment is on halloween! scary! lol. too bad i can't go trick or treating! stupid STUPID bed rest! i would so go get candy!

so my parents just had their 25 wedding anniversary dinner. it was way fun. lots of people came and the food was very good. lots of family came to town and it was so much fun to have them here. the house was SO cramped when everyone came over and it wasn't even the whole rodeback family, but i've kinda missed that. back in the day the rodebacks would always get together at grandma and grandpas for either christmas or thanksgiving. LOTS of people in one house. over 50 people cramed in the family room to open gifts and to have grandpa throw peanut m&m's to all the grandkids. kinda random but so much fun. but now everyones getting older, and grandkids are getting married, people can't make it, and so on, but i think one year we will all be able to make it. but anyway, i love my fam and can't wait to get together again

well i hope this baby comes soon and i hope you like mt random thoughts!

Friday, October 24, 2008


so since i'm still on bed rest and kinda bored right now, i decided to do what 2 people have tagged me in.
Tag #1
the first one is what laska did. so you go and find the 4th pic in your 4th file of pictures. mines not going to be very exciting! i just went through my pics and burned then on cds and just deleted them! LOL. so if i justgo into my pics (not put in order) its either a pic of the cupcakes that were at my shower or a very old pic i took of the portland temple. so i think its going to be the temple!

Now tag #2
You have to give five answers to each of the questions and pass it on. To pass it on, you name them on your blog and you leave a comment notifying them on their blog. Wellp, here it goes....
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. antsy to turn 12 in a week and become a beehive!
2. getting my halloween costume ready
3. In 6th grade
4. probably suffering from my BAD blonde hair dye job (don't ask)
5. um.....eating candy??? or crushing on spencer.....no joke i probably was!!!!
5 things on my to-do list today:
1. sit and do nothing!
2. um....fill out the things i as tagged for
3. keep my feet from getting bloated
4. eat
5. drink lots of water!
5 snacks I enjoy:
1. Chocolate/Candy!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. Granola Bars!!!
3. Fruit!
4. Veggies!
5. um......
5 things I would do if I were a millionaire:
1. Um... pay off my bills
2. put most of it in the bank
3. pay for spencers schooling, and mine if i ever decide on what to do
4. make a savings account for my babies! (well 1 baby right now)
5. travel! take spencer back to brazil, go to england for a month or two,take spencer to hawaii, and where ever else spencer wants to go.
5 places I have lived:
1. Longview, WA
2. Moses Lake, WA
3. Rexburg, ID
4. .........
5. ............ i haven't lived in that many places!
5 jobs I have had:
1. dishwasher/cook/waitress at bassanos! i miss that food!
2. "construction guide" at ml community health center (easiest job EVER)
3. cherry factory worker in othello
4. and the worst job ever.........taco time!!!!!!!
5 people I tag:
1. Laska (the 5 things tag)
2. Carolyn
3. Gwen
4. Crystal
5. Spencer/or my mom or whoever else wants to do this!

Thursday, October 23, 2008


so i don't hae to be induced! yay! the doc said everything is going great. i just need to keep off my feet and take it easy. after the appointment we decided to go and pre-register at the hospital, since i'm 38 weeks and could pop any day now. the nurse at the clinic mentioned it to us, cuz its better to just walk in and get to pushin then be sitting in the waiting room having contractions and filling out papers. anyway, after we filled out the paperwork we asked for a tour of labor and delivery. very nice. kinda scary.....spencer kept crackin corny jokes, because he was SO nervous! anyway, thats all we did today, well we went to wal mart and spencer pushed me around in the wheelchair, fun stuff, but thats about it.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


so tomorrow we find out if we will be parents before the weeks over. if my blood pressure is high then here she comes! but if not then well just wait like everyone else. i don't think i will have to be induced, the swelling in my feet has gone WAY down. i actually have ankles again! i still get headaches from time to time, but its like 1 every 2 days or something. but we'll see what the doc says tomorrow at 3:15! kinda scary!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

funny stuff.

so one day i was watching the ellen show, which i find very funny. anyway she decided to do a skit with dennis quaid, way way funny!

Friday, October 17, 2008

bed rest!

so.....today we had a doctors appointment. it was ok.....so it was the same old same old, pee in a cup, and get my weight checked. so, the doctor noticed that i gained 5 pounds within a week. he asked if i was bloating really bad and as a mater of fact i have been, way bad this week too. he also asked if i was getting headaches, and i actually just got one, a real bad one, this morning. well.....all of these symptoms are signs of preclampsia (high blood pressure thing that can be really bad if not taken care of.) anyway, the doctor said that i am now on bed rest, no shopping or anything. and if by next week i get the main and bad symptom, high blood pressure, then i will have to be induced! so i could have a baby next week! kinda scary! well after that i had to have the 20 minute nonstress test. i just sit there while the babys heartbeat is being monitored. and if the baby moves or kicks during it, i have to push a botton. pretty simple. after the checkup i had to get some blood drawn. so all in all, i'm on bed rest and i could have a child by next week. honestly, i'm not that worried about this whole bed rest thing. its weird. everyone else is kinda worried (esp spencer), but i don't feel like i should be, maybe because it could cause me to be stressed out.

anyway, thats about it. i just have to take it easy and get lots of rest. so... i'm in spokane this weekend...yeah yeah i know, i should be home right now, but i needed to come to pick out a stroller/carseat and to find some other necessary things before the baby gets here, esp if shes coming next week! don't worry i'll be careful!

ps! spencer got pell grants! awesomeness! its going to help out SO much!

Sunday, October 12, 2008


i just wanted to thank everyone for the gifts and for showing up to the shower! it was so much fun! the decorations were cute and the food was way way good (thanks crystal) and the games were so much fun (thanks laska and cathy).

heres some pics to show everyone....

diaper cake crystal made
very cute blanket tracy made me
thats all the pics i'm gunna put up theres a lot. i got a lot of very cute clothes and a lot of cute blankets! but theres soooo many pics to choose from!

so we took family pics yesterday before the shower, for my mom and dads 25th anniversary dinner on the 25th....anyway, we got a lot of cute pics and spencer and i got a "family pic with the baby" its a realy good pic and i wanted to post it, since i think my mom prob won't. anyway here it is...any maybe some other pics
one of my favorite pics!
the king family = )
me and kalei

Friday, October 10, 2008

36 weeks!

well folks i'm 36 weeks along and doing fine. i went to the doctor today and he did the usual check up. so last time i was in there he said i would have visits every 2 weeks, but now he said every week. eh, oh well. anyway, he measured my stomach, checked my legs and feet for swelling, listened to the babys heardbeat and checked my blood pressure again (the nurse did it before he came in). he said that since i'm this far along that if i went into labor then they wouldn't stop me....so that pretty much means i could go into labor and any time and have the baby. AHHHHH!

well this weekend is my baby shower! and i am WAY excited! i'm kind of a shut in (my choice i know, but i never feel like doing anything). anyway, i am excited to see people and socialize and have some fun. not that i don't have any fun or go out on the town with spencer, we do and its so much fun, its just that i hardly ever see anyone now a days. anyway, i'm way excited and i hope you readers can make it! (again see laskas blog for the time and place and the wonderful cards she made! she also has another blog about her creations, which are AMAZING. i so don't have the skill or the will power. lol)
well thats all for now. my next blog will most likely be about the shower. and/or the next doc appointment, which is next friday.

until we read again. Mama Bear

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

30 days!!!!!

so today i offically have 30 days left! craaaaazy!!!! in 30 days (or maybe less...hopefuly not more!) our lives will be changed forever! that doesn't scare me one bit. lol ok thats a lie it does! spencer and i talk about if we're ready or not and how fast things are going to change. we are so excited to see our little girl for the first time, look her in the eyes, and tell her we're her mommy and daddy. me a mommy?!? if you would have told me last year that i was going to be having a kid i would have told you that you're nuts! but here i am, getting ready for my little one to come! life is FULL of surprises!
on friday i have another doctors appointment, its the start of my every 2 week checkups, which really just means i have an extra appointment this month. lol. anyway, i don't really know what this visits coing to be like, but i just hope nothings wrong, which i'm pretty sure everythings going great.
well thats about all for now. i think that i'm going to start a 30 day picture countdown. i guess i should have done a pic countdown in the begining but eh, this should be fun! anyway...

until fridays blog....Mama Bear

Friday, October 3, 2008

random post

so about a week ago, i walked down to hastings to meet spencer at work when he got off. i was kinda early so i went into maurices. lately (ok pretty much the whole pregnancy) i have wanted to wear my old clothes and get new ones (ESP JEANS!!!!). i hate, and i mean HATE my maternity jeans, but they are the only thing i have. well anyway, back to the story....well i decided that enought was enough.....i went through the store and found some cute shirts and my favorite kind of jeans, flare! well it was very fun! even thought i had to grease up myself to get into the clothes (lol i'm bloated and i've gained some weight and plumped up in some areas due to the pregnancy). anyway, it was so nice to try on clothes!!!! i was so excited. the first thing i'm going to do when i have my little one is get some jeans!!!! thats my treat for having to go through what i hear is the worst pain in the world! anyway......if you are wondering, yes i did get some pics, and yes they are kinda funny, but dang it i want some clothes! i'll post one or two pic for the readers.....enjoy! ps...my face looks way nasty in them...i overheat WAY easily now and i have given up make up for now....and doing my hair...pretty much everything....anyway, enjoy the pics

Friday, September 26, 2008

yet another doctor visit...

well we went to the doctor again today. everythings going great. he had me feel for the head again today and i actually felt it!!!!! we heard the heart beat again, its still going strong! we officially have 6 weeks left! crazy!!! i now have to go to doctor visits every 2 weeks. kinda scary! that means i am going to give birth soon! well after the visit the doc sent me to the dietition (sp???) and she said i was doing fine. the doc sent me just to make sure i don't get the baby all fattened up and can't birth her.

so...birthing classes........dah! question.....wouldn't you think that the hospital would offer classes every month?????? well no they don't. and i can't get into a class. at the last doctors visit (end of august) we asked about classes. he gave us the number (and i lost it and found it about 2 weeks later). well i called and found out that there was a class that was the month of august....and the next one starts in november....WHEN I'M DUE! how dumb!? and to top that all off they do have an all day class....but thats $65!!!! (the 4 week class is free with the state insurance). anyway.....i am not willing to pay 65 bucks for an 8 hour all day class! so.....the library, internet and my prego book will have to do.......oh man....this sucks! maybe i should pay for it........geeze!

well thats all for now. um...can't think of anything else.....we're just getting ready for the baby and the baby shower next month (see laska's blog for the info and to see the way super cute invites she made!), um.....we're also trying to decide what we should be for halloween. ANY IDEAS?????? please, we need some!

until next blog,
Mama Bear

Sunday, September 14, 2008

adventures in...

othello! lol why you ask....

so spencers dad won free rodeo tickets off the radio! so he gave them to us and we went yesterday. it was fun, way smaller then moses lake but a lot of fun. and they had really cute animals (the best part of the fair right? lol). so we got there at about 6 something. parking was crazy! we first started off in the booths looking at all the fun random stuff we wanted but didn't have any use for. then spencer got hungery and decided to get a jumbo turkey leg. we then went through the goat barn. fun stuff because while i was petting one it let out a creapy oh i really like that scratch sound right in my face. then as we were walking around this horse drawn wagon stopped right in front of us and asked if we wanted a ride. heck yes we did. it was realy fun. we got pics on the wagon.....but i look WAY bad in them and they will only be kept in a private, no one can see photo album at home. lol. um......while on the wagon i noticed in one of the animal barns they had a little donkey and a mini horse and you betcha i made spencer take me there!!!! here are the pics from there

cute little piggies! i wanted to hold them so bad!

they were attacking a puppy in the pen. the dog started to bite the pigs butt!
spencer saying hi to a little calf...it was licking his arm but i took the pic to late.
thats actually all the pics from the fair/rodeo.....i didn't even get a pic of the donkey and horse! i was so in love with the little piggies. i took tons of pics of them!

well after the animals and of course after getting a huge yummy elephant ear we went to the rodeo....and decided to leave early and went back to moses to.....go mini golfing and get some ice cream!!!! and here are some pics of that.

^me trying to make the whole...this is prob my 8th time trying lol
and the other is me with my prego shot!

and heres pics of spencer..... oh such a good golfer....he beat me!
thats all. sorry this is kinda long. but i had lots of fun and wanted to share it with everyone!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


so i just want to say that i have 60 DAYS LEFT! 2 months! holy cow! scary but exciting at the same time!!!! so much to do before then! dah!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

results are in

so got the results back from my diabetes test and.....i don't have it! my readings were way lower then what the regular results were, which was way good. i really think that the only reason i had the high test was because i went on a chocolate spree before....i was craving chocolate way bad!
thats all for now. um....not much has happened since the test. baby's still doing fine, just kickin me in the ribs hard core. oh and i'm so bloated all the time! it sucks! my stomach feels like its going to burst. i have to lay down most of the time because sitting up puts pressure on my stomach ( i kinda sit hunched over, i know bad amber!). um, i got some gifts from my friends that left to college, thanks guys the gifts are way cute and i can't wait to use them on my little girl!!!

OH i almost forgot. so spencer came home from work early on thursday and said "lets go for a picnic!" so spencer and i went! it was very exciting. we packed anything we could find, i even brought along bowls, forks and a knife from the kitchen, good thing my mom didn't know i was taking her dishes!. lol. we went to the park by the water tower thats really close to my house (above harthstone) it was a very nice day and a nice spot. you could see the whole town! we had lots of fun just being with eachother esp during the day. he works all the time. very lovely!
oh.....so spencer gets "off" at 5 but never really gets off until 5:30 or later. so on friday someone came home at about 4:45. i knew it wasn't my fam they were gone to work and such. so i lay on the couch hoping it was spencer. and it was! he had a very pretty long stem pink rose in his hand, a can of pringles (yum!) and a pair of chop sticks to use for when i can eat my fav food sushi again. how sweet is that?!? i didn't even expect it! i love spencer and the happiness he brings to my life! = )

well thats about it. until next time, Mama Bear

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


so......in my last blog i said that i took the diabetes test to see if i had it....well a couple of days after that i got a call from the clinic. they said my results came back a little high and that i would need to come in again.....for the 3 HOUR TEST! dah! so today i went in, fasting, and had to have my blood drawn 4 TIMES!!! my arms frickin hurt and i look like i'm on drugs!!!! so i was going to get 2 in one arm and 2 in the other, but when they went for the left arm they missed the vein and had to stab around....it frickin hurt so bad, so i went with 3 in the right, ouch! anyway, in a couple of days i'll find out what the news is, if i have diabetes or what. anyway, thats all for now. ttyl

Mama Bear

Friday, August 22, 2008

update on the little one

so we had another visit with the doc today. everything going great. i had to have the diabetes test today after the check up (i don't have it). i had to drink this crazy sugary drink then sit around for an hour, then have my blood drawn. so kinda funny thing....so i drink the crap and then they tell me "you might pass out or puke" they so could have told me that before, but i didn't do either while i sat in the waiting room and looked at pretty much all the magazines they had. anyway during the check up the doc measured my belly, listened to my little girls heart, and stabbed me all over my stomach with his hands. it kinda hurt, then he pushed way down on my stomach and felt for the head then had me do it. he was like "you feel that round thing, thats the baby's head" truthfully i couldn't tell what i was poking, i just fake smiled and said, yeah i can feel it.
anyway thats all that happened today. we got new tires on the car, because one went flat and was done for. we tried to find just one used tire, but we seem to not have good luck with tires and no where in moses lake had the size we needed. so we had to buy new ones. so the subaru looked very nice.
ANYWAY thats about it. so i found this married couple questionaire on someones blog and me being bored all the time decided to do this. feel free to steal it and fill it out all you lovebirds out there.

What is his name? Spencer Todd King
How long have you been together? um....married for over 8 months, been together for over a year, and we were friends for over 9 years before we got together
When did you get married and where? Dec 15 2007 in the Portland OR Temple
Where did you meet? well i met him a long time ago, our sisters were friends and he came over to my house a lot and we hung out. in high school we went different ways, then after his mission, we saw each other at church his first time since being back from brazil, but didn't talk, well we did talk on msn and he tried to make his moves there, but i was kinda dense. we hung out at a singles ward activity a week later, and since that saturday activity, we have been together ever since
How long did you date before you got engaged? little under 2 months
How old is he? 22
Who said I love you first? he did after a week or two
How long had you been dating before you had your first kiss? 4 days
Who is taller? so spencer. i come to his shoulder
Who sings better? so me....lol i don't know
Who is smarter? ME, lol again i don't know
Whose temper is worse? I think i might have a slight advantage being preggo and all, but we do both have kind of a bad temper.
Who does the laundry? I do it all the time, if i didn't, we would be walking around in filth
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? me. oh man i wish we had a nicer bed!
Who pays the bills? spencer. we used to both pay, but since i no longer work, he does it all and i love him so much for it!
Who mows th lawn? my dad, its his lawn anyway
Who does the dishes? anyone, i live with my fam...wait i actually do it most of the time, i'm home all day and i get bored
Who cooks dinner? my mom and dad. i help out. and i do cook sometimes
Who drives when you are together? um...... i would say spencer, and it depends on whos car, since mine belongs to my parents
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? spencer. it takes me a little bit to realize ; )
Who proposed? spencer, and its a cute story.
Who is more sensitive? hum.....spencer usually is, but now with all the crazy things going on with the pregnancy, i can cry at the drop of a hat, over anything
Who has more friends? ???????
Who wears the pants in the family? i would say that i do, or atleast try and spencer always strongly reminds me that we both have a pant leg of the pair of pants

thats all for now!!!
Mama Bear

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Our SMOKING-HOT Demo Derby Date

Demo Derby highs and lows.
In the years past I have not experienced a demo like this years. The races were malicious. It was a hit for hit run aroud the track that made it one of the best Ive seen. 2 cars were flipped over, one in the race alone! I am very horse and it hurts to talk. We had very good company and it made it all the better.
I could have killed the people sitting behind us. It was F this, F that. They were getting drunk and just kept yelling. Also, there was many a person smoking near us. Amber beeing 6 Months prego, didnt take it well. The bleachers also werent the best on her back(nor mine). She took off about an hour before it was over. James Baker went and yelled at a guy for smoking. at first, the guy didnt want to stop, but then when he accually looked james up and down, decided that it was in his best interest to put it out.
Good times, Good Fun, Good Food, Great laughs.

Friday, August 8, 2008


i saw this on emily west's blog and thought it looked pretty fun! so here it is....

5 of your favorite things
-spencer/unborn baby
-family and friends and friends who are pretty much family
-having the perfect day, nothing goes wrong, everythings mellow, and you get to laugh a lot
-finding cute clothes that fit perfectly! like finding a pair of perfect jeans or skirt! i love it!
-the perfect winter day. snow is lightly falling, not a single footprint seen, everythings quiet.

5 things you wanted to be when you grew up
-vet. i loved and still love animals esp horses
-singer (found out that i wasn't very good lol!)
-artist (but i found out that i sucked at mostly everything, but i still like to do arts and crafts)
-nurse.......yeah....dropped that real quick

5 of the best compliments that you have ever received
- i have cute feet....lol.....cara oliphant told me that once.
-i have pretty eyes....lots of people tell me this, but the best person to tell me that is spencer!
-i have a good smile/teeth.....don't remember who but it was kinda funny
- "you look so good!!!!!"....this was from my grandma rodeback. we went to longview a little bit after college, and i had lost some/a lot of weight because i walked EVERYWHERE and i ate better. it was the first time my grandma saw me and the whole time she kept saying i look so good. it made me feel way good.
- so i've always thought that i'm average looking and sometimes below average. and sometimes i still do, gaining all the weight back and then some because of the pregnancy,... but spencer always tells me that i'm beautiful and that he loves me so much and always will. it makes me feel way better about myself. i love him for that!

5 songs that you would pick as your theme songs.
(sorry i could only thing of sappy songs at the moment! i can't think of any!!!!)
- broken by jack johnson (listen to it. its my fav)
- long slow beautiful dance by rascal flatts
- oh it is love by hellogoodbye
- mary's song (oh my my my) by taylor swift. change some of the words and it could be about spencer and i lol!
- um.....i can't think

5 people that inspire(d) you.
-grandma/grandpa rodeback and grandma v. (grandparents)
-my parents
-pres perrins. he used to be my bishop and he told me something that i will never forget.
-pres hinckley
-sis madrishin aka melissa aka mom. lol

5 things I like about county fairs/festivals
-entering things
-petting the animals
-the demo derby
-walking around all the boothes and getting the free stuff. always bring a big bag!

5 things I take with me when I leave the house
-water bottle (i get sooooooooo dehydrated now a days!)

5 of my favorite days of the year
-my wedding anniversary (i get to celebrate it this year for the 1st time! yay!)
-valentines day
-my b-day

5 genres of music I listen to
-mellow (whatever you consider jack johnson)
-whatever else is good

5 of my favorite places to shop
-down east outfitters in rexburg!
-wal mart superstore!
-pretty much any clothing store that has cute clothes that i fit into
-and any cheap clothing store like ross

Monday, August 4, 2008

saturday fun.

*pics at end of post!
so this past saturday we went to spokane because my brother-in-law josh got free tickets to wild waters. i was very excited to go and swim with my niece kalei and to have some fun with the family. but.....my excitment was crushed when i got sick on the way to spokane. and i felt sick the whole time. it was so depressing. i don't think it had anything to do with my pregnancy, just something i ate, but it was very depressing! but everyone else had a blast. spencer loved it! it was one of the first outings! he always has to work, but this time he didn't. it was very nice to have him with us! esp since i got sick. he was very helpful and i don't know what i would do without him. he was even going to hold my hair when i had to run to the bathroom. how sweet. lol. well, during the day we did a little shopping (the swimming was at 5:30pm) and i got a very cute maternity shirt for 11 bucks! i love it and its my new favorite. i want to wear it all the time! spencer got some swim short and some regular shorts. he looked so cute in his swim shorts! he he he....

OH i almost forgot......so breast fest was on friday (breast feeding awareness fest thing) anyway, my sis helps out at it and this year she asked if i could help. honestly i really didn't do anything but play with kalei. anyway.... breast fest is something that a local clinic puts on and theres a butt load of prizes you can win from the different booths that stores and organizations have. well....i decided to take advantage of this so i went around and signed up! and i got a lot! i think that every prego and post prego should go to this! i got a booster seat, a convertable car seat(spencer won that lol), a basket full of baby stuff, 10 bucks at grocery outlet, and then i got lots of free stuff from the boothes like pens, note pads, free samples.....it was the best! spencer even came for his lunch break. he had a lot of fun playing with kalei at the little kiddy area.

well thats about it, we got now phones and i hope everyone got the new numbers. um....yep....our next appointment is on the 22nd. i'm 6 months along, and entering the final trimester. scary! less then 100 days till i give birth! ah!!!!!! or i'm atleast due!!!!

until next blog

Mama Bear

pic 1-my fav shirt, pic 2-spencer with kalei on friday

Saturday, August 2, 2008


Pyzam Family Sticker Toy
Create your own family sticker graphic at pYzam.com

Sunday, July 27, 2008

this weekend

so, this weekend some family came to town. it was very fun, even though the pig out in the park was a MAJOR let down. last year it was so much better, this year....there was like 7 food booths. luckly i found something yummy. i got a huge stuffed baked potato. WAY good. our little girl enjoyed it very much, she gave me a few approving kicks and punches. spencer got a gyro, and scarffed it down. the rest of the fam enjoyed some bbq, and some corn on the cob, which looked WAY good! any way for desert we had a very lovely deep fried snickers. it was interesting. oh and we also bought a funnel cake with frickin huge strawberries on it. was so stuffed when i got home that i had to sit for an hour....then i finished off the remaining funnel cake that was left over. way good. anyway........enought about the food.......
the fam that came were my aunt and uncle from longview and their 3 kids. spencer loves their little boy. hes about 4 and loves to have spencer help him color. and spencer loves it! he is going to be an amazing daddy when our little girl comes.
well let me explain about last week and what happened then....well we were in longview visiting my grandparents (my grandmas b-day). well the last night we were there, my mom had a little accident and fell down the stairs in the middle of the night. shes ok, amazingly she didn't hit her head, but pretty much hit everything else. she broke her finge and its in a bright orange cast and shes been home for the week. shes just kickin it now. its kinda funny now that we look back on it, but when it happened it was very scary. so, my mom is a die hard scrapbooker. way die hard! so the other day she couldn't take it anymore and tried to scrapbook.......she cut her finger! it was funny, because she only had one hand to use and she wanted to scrapbook so bad. she wants someone to sit in her scrapbook room and arrange the pages for her, just so she can do something.

anyway....thats about all for now....spencer and i got new phones, and most likely i will be getting a new number (boo!!! i want to keep my old one!) so i'll let everyone know what the new # will be. um....thats all for now. babys doing fine, daddys doind fine, and mamas trying to cope with the boredom and constant kicking!

Until next blog
Mama Bear

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


so i was bored and with my boredom i began searching the net for baby girl clothes. i didn't find a whole lot of cute clothes... i think its better to look in the stores then on line... anyway, i did find a very very cute outfit and some shoes and a cute hat and gloves combo. i was looking for winter clothes, since my little girl will be here in the fall/winter. didn't find much. anyway, let me know what you think about the outfit

Friday, July 18, 2008

its a....

we are so happy to know! the first pic is the profile of our little girl and the second pic is of her legs. we are so SO happy (esp me). we were supposed to go in at 1:40 but i had to pee SOOOO bad that i went in early hoping that we could get in sooner and sure enought, some one cancelled so i got in then and there. he took a couple of measurements then let me open the flood gates. what a relief! anyway, the baby was in a semi good position today. we still didn't get to see the face full on, but i'm just happy that we know!!! AH we are very very excited!


today is the day that we find out what we are having! hopefully! i hope the baby lets us see! we go in at 1:40 for the ultrasound and then at 2:15 for the regular monthly check up. we can't wait to find out!!!!!!!!! there will deff be another blog posted at around 3 so check back!

Mama Bear

Friday, July 11, 2008

Really Amber?

So Amber said that she noted all the news going on around here. Our biggest news IS the baby, but i also got into BYU-I.... ( amazing feat, i know, but if you saw my grades in high school, you'd know that i just trapezed my way over a sharks tank, through the jaws of the hungry lion and landed in a thimble of water.yeah.... that amazing) after our baby BOY is born, we will move to the Burg and start school, and hopefully, our lives. oh, and i love Amber.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


well its been a while since i posted a blog. spencer has been doing a FANTASTIC job with the blog though (the one he wrote about me is prob the best thing i have ever read. it was such a nice surprise! thank you so much! i love you spencer!)

anyway, we're still looking for some names, feel free to give us ideas. both for a boy and girl becasue we still don't know what we're having....but on the 18th we find out!!!!! i hope its a girl! i really want a girl but if its a boy that would be awesome too. but i want a girl!

well thats about it. i'm 5ish months along. we're working on getting a 5 month pic up on here so people can see my growing belly. the baby has been kicking for a while now. sometimes its way hard but usually its just a little love tap. its weird to feel something poking from the inside, but atleat i know its alive! thats always a good thing. um....what else. um we are currently living in my parents house so we don't have to pay for a butt expensive apartment. its helping us save money for our little one coming in november. um all i do now a days is sit at home clean, and sometimes cook. add a baby and that will be my life in 4 months!

um thats all i can think of for right now i'll post more later. esp when we find out! hopefully the baby wil let us see!!!!

Until next blog!
Mama Bear

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Baby Names

Hey Yall, We are having a baby!!!
ok, so you knew that. But we need some name ideas. please give us some, even those youve got reserved for your own offspring. thank you.. oh, and please make them original.

Friday, June 27, 2008

My Beautiful Wife

If you dont know my wife Amber, then after reading this I hope you have a better understanding of who she is and why I love her.

Shes Loving. --Sometimes, even when we are fighting (yes, we fight, we arent perfect) i can get her to smile. When she smiles, I know that everything is alright and that she still loves me.
She also loves her family..(i dont know how!! im just kidding...if any of you are reading this, dont kill me!) Her family plays a big role in our lives. We have a neice named Kalei, and she goes crazy when shes in town. all she wants to do is spend time with her.

Shes Funny.-- Have you ever heard Ambers laugh? I crack up just hearing her laugh. she laughs at random moments and smiles at things that sometimes arent funny. when her brother Hums when he eats, Amber just cant stop laughing. Shes also very funny when it comes to the baby. she blames everything on the baby. i could have a plate of food, i get up to go do something, and come back and a bite is gone, "the Fetus ate it" with a smirk. i love that.

Shes Needy.-- Now, some of you are going to say, "needy is not a good thing.." when you love someone soooo much like i love Amber, its good to be needed. Now that shes Prego, shes going to need me more, and you know what? i woudnt want it anyother way.

Shes Perfect.-- Maybe perfect isnt the exact word i should use, but its the closest thing to it. Sure she has her flaws, we all do. but when i look at her, and think of the future, she is perfect FOR ME!! today i was driving down the road and saw and old couple. they both looked senile, but very much in love, and i could totally picture Amber and I in 60 Years.. Amber in her Wheel Chair and me, weak, but pushing her around. i love her so much........

That is why i love her. She is the center of my life, and i dont even want to think of my life with out her.

Friday, June 20, 2008


pic #1-my belly. yeah its pretty much just my stomach but i can still say it the baby. lol.
pic #2 me and my stomach....i mean baby.
so this doctors visit went well. we heard the heartbeat again, and such. we have another appointment for next moth to see the baby again and to finally find out what it is!!! hopefully this time the baby will let us see! the appointment is for the 18th, i think. i have to drink about 10,000 gallons of water again! but its all worth it! if the baby hides itself again, spencer and i have decided that we'll wait until its born to see what it is. obviously the baby want us to wait if its does it again! anyway, that about all... oh... SPENCERS HOME! its great! i missed him too much. it wasn't worth all the heartache and the time apart. so spencer is back and we are working on our backup plan. i'll write more about that later when we work out the kinks. well until next blog!
Mama Bear

Saturday, June 14, 2008

heres the pic! the top is right side up and the bottom is upsidedown. its better to see when its upside down. isn't it so cute?!?!

Friday, June 13, 2008

its a......

set of twins! just kidding!!!!!!!!!
so.... its still just a fetus for now. we had the ultra sound today and it was amazing. the baby is so cute!!! we saw its little fingers and toes. but the baby was in a weird position so we didn't get the traditional ultrasound pic and we didn't get o see the face. the pic we have is just of a foot, but it is really cute (it will be posted soon).

so heres why we don't know what it is. so our cute little fetus and its modest little self, had its hand between its legs!!!! LOL. it was kinda funny, but kinda sad at the same time, because spencer might not be able to come back for the next ultrasound. = ,( but i'm sure that he can find time off and make it back! he would never miss it!

anyway, thats about all for today. its was very exciting to see its heart beat, and see it kicking around and such. it was very cute!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

way excited!

so spencer and i are VERY excited to find out what we are having! the 13th (at 1pm) can not come fast enough!!!!! i am very excited, if you can't tell.

but theres one down side..... i have to dring 2 quarts of water 2 hours before the visit and then another quart (or pint or something) half an hour before.AND i can't pee, i have to have a full bladder!! madness!!! how the devil do the expect me to keep in all that pee?!?!? i can hardly keep in a glass of water that i drank 10 min ago!!! and to top it all off....they will be pushing on my stomach/bladder/baby bump with the ultrasound machine. um....i don't know about you, but if someone is pushing on my stomach and i have a full bladder, i will most likely have to run to the bathroom so i don't have a little accident AKA a Leaky (he he he we all named it after our dear friend whos real name shall be untyped.) but anyway....i am scared that im gunna pee all over.

thats about all thats on my mind at the moment....well that and (its about to get way sappy and sad.......).. spencer is leaving to bosie on sunday night (15th). hes going to be starting a job there and i will be staying here so we can make the most money and that i will still have state insurance with washington. it is one of the hardest things that will ever happen. i want to cry all the time, but its only for a little while and its all to help out our future family. one of the hardest reasons about when hes leaving is that hes leaving on our 6 month anniversary (oh and fathers day too). =( but the time apart will only be for about 3 months and he will come home as much as he can. and 3 months being apart is just a minute compared to being with him for eternity. i love spencer so much and i am going to miss being with him all the time, and the fact that hes not going to be here for some of the doctor visits. i really don't want to be apart....not at ALL, but its something that will help our child and help with the college costs we will be facing in january.

anyway i'm sorry i made this all sad at the end. everything will be ok!!!!!!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

bored so i wrote this one....

so....spring fest weekend has come to an end. i didn't get to go to the lip sync. the weather was crazy and i kinda didn't feel like going anymore, i liked the feel of being warm and having a bathroom close for the frequent trips. lol. but today i went around town with the family. we went to the side walk sale snd spencer and i pushed kalei around in her stroller. Then we walked to the lake and walked around the booths and the carnival games. a little bit later Lafawndah (my car) got to go to the doctor for new front breaks! shes running very nicely now! now all she need is some plastic surgery and some more internal surgery. anyway, in the afternoon all the girls (my mom, crystal, kalei and i) went to a bridal shower (stephanie butterfield). it was very fun and kalei had a blastafterwards we had a cabob bbq with some corn on the cob.....yum! then we went to the parade!!!. that was very fun.....the floats were all pretty....except moses lakes... ok so heres a question.....junior miss always has a float right in the front right???? well here.....there was a float....but for what i have no idea......there was no junior miss chicks on it and there were some other kids on it.....and then towards the end the junior miss chicks were in a car.......i was very confused....and saddened because all the other floats were 10 times better then the host city's.....anyway, besides the confusion.....and the cold wind picking up at the end and me having to pee right before it started (i think the baby just gripped my bladder and said lets go for a walk, which we were not even close to a bathroom and i had to hold it) ANYWAY.....the parade was pretty good.

well thats it and i know this is probably a boring blog, but eh....i was bored

Thursday, May 22, 2008


so no seeing the baby this time around but we heard the little rascal again! AND we have our first ulta sound in 3 weeks, um i think the 13th (when i'm 20 weeks, i'm about 3 and a half months right now). we are SUPER excited!!! we get to see the baby for the first time and we get to see what it is!!!!!!

thats about it for now. this weekend is SPRING FEST! i am excited! today spencer and i walked around the tents to see whats there, we got some yummy seasoned pretzels and had some good fest food. we went to the carnival part and the carnies of course talked us into playing some games! they sure know how to get your money....anyway, my loving husband tried to win me some stuffed animals but no luck at most of the booths....until the ducky pond! he got me a big blue spotted snake! my hero! LOL. tomorrow is the lip sync and i am so excited!!! but theres one sad thing about it....spencer has to work and he is way mad. he wanted to go so bad! it'll be 3 years since hes gone!!! but i get to go....and i will be tagging along (hopfully) with my friends! that'll be fun!

anyway, until next blog!

Mama Bear

Thursday, May 8, 2008

so.....nothing much has been happening. i'm getting a little bit bigger, but not that much. um...i am craving some eggo waffles.....they sound so good, or a sausage mcmuffin.....yum.....i have a mcmuffin maker at home....maybe i need to go get some supplies.... he he he..... well thats about it. i go to the doctor on ...... the 22nd. i think we'll be able to see the baby! maybe maybe not. oh man i just have to say that i'm excited for spring fest! heck yes! oh......and the food........oh i can't wait!!!!!

Friday, April 25, 2008

its alive!!!

lol so today spencer and i went to the doctor today, nothing scary or awkward. well it was a really short visit and everything. It was very exciting though. we got to hear the heartbeat! it was way fun! my baby is doing well! we still haven't seen the little thing! we'll prob get to see it at about 20weeks. maybe less.

well thats about all for now. spencer is out of town for the weekend = ( so that means i'm ready to partay! lol just kidding. but i would like to hang out with someone!

well until next blog

Mama Bear

Thursday, April 17, 2008

my second love.... = )

so i am in LOVE with cup-o-noodles and top ramen! YUM! i eat it all the time now. its so good. i love this part of the pregnancy! lol! oh man i think i am going to go make some more ramen!

um.... well our next docs visit is the 25th! i'm kinda excited! we'll prob be able to hear the heart beat! crazy!

so... i have begun to notice that i look huge...and i'm not that far along.....i'm kinda scared cuz my family on BOTH sides has a history of twins! OH CRAP! makes me way freaked out! it would kinda be fun...maybe.....lol.....mixed feelings. LOL

anyway thats all for now! next blog will prob be about the next doc visit!

until then!
Mama Bear

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


so nothing much has been going on. sleeping on my side is a pain! i have to sleep on my side now because i used to sleep on my stomach. DAH! worst ever! um.... i haven't....."lost" my breaky lunch or dinner in a couple days... but OH how i've felt like i wanted to. um... thats about it. nothing new, just trying to get by....
so.... i'm not really showing yet... but my stomach sticks out way bad... making it look like i am..... but no... i'm just pleasently plump. its kinda funny to see people look at my stomach and think i'm showing, i just laught to myself and say, nope i'm just fat. lol.....
well this is one pointless blog, but i was bored and wanted to write one. have a good night and until i write again

Mama Bear

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Goldie Locks

So im the one thats to blame for ambers sad condition. yes, it is me, the father. if you think that amber is always in a bad mood, you have no idea what im going through. if she aint happy, aint nobody happy.

we are currently still on the prowl for appartments in rexburg.. moses lake is getting us down and we just wanna up and leave. i know that moving to rexburg will make amber happy, so thats what i wanna do.
we are planing to leave around july, and are due in november. we are trying to leave but it might not happen. we have health insurance and we will lose it if we leave and WE NEED IT.
so now you are wondering about the title to this blog. let me explain. when goldie locks went to visit the 3 bears, she was almost never satisfied. "this ones too big. this ones too small. this one is too hot. this one is too cold".. its hard to find the one thats "Just Right" for my Wife.
but i digest..hehe
Spencer Rei

Saturday, March 29, 2008

the first blog ever!

well this is my first blog! i hope i do a good job.....i'm not so good with words or spelling....but who cares!

so this blog is about me and my prego status. I'm about 6-8 weeks along! i just went to the doc on friday....lets just say it was one of the worst visits ever and i feel for evey single woman on the planet! but anyway..... spencer and i are way excited. I'm due around the 8th of November. EXCITING! we hope for a girl but if its a boy we will be happy. now let me explain what i am going through for all the curious ones....

I feel sick pretty much all the time. I can barely keep anything down. NOT FUN! Ya see....i am one of those people that love food always have something in my mouth every minute of the day aka a fatty LOL j/k. but yeah i love food but i can not enjoy the pleasures i once found in it. i miss food. ice cream......pizza......sushi..... the doc says that it will go away in a month.....one LONG month.....others scare me to death saying that it might last for the whole 9 month.....to those people.... do NOT scare me like that. when you say that i want to slap you.

um......lets see what else..... oh.... i am VERY moody these days. my poor husband gets most of the blame, yelled at, and snapped at. i feel bad for him......maybe he should listen to that scribture in proverbs ...... it is better to dwell in the corner of a roof top then with a brawling and angry woman. i pretty much blame him for making me sick. lol.....

anyway...thats about all for now. i'll try to write on this blog thing every week or at the least once a month. have fun everyone! until next time...

Mama Bear